Studio Backs designs products and experiences that are bold and recognizable, fresh and iconic, sensible and long-lasting.


STUDIO BACKS creates meaningful products and experiences that are bold, iconic and beautiful with timeless integrity


Studio Backs



STUDIO BACKS is an innovative studio creating visions and expressions for tomorrow’s product design. Driven by “design-thinking” methodologies, STUDIO BACKS delivers product solutions drawn from deep experience.


Before founding STUDIO BACKS, Jochen was a long-time visionary leader with IDEO,  the Global Innovation Powerhouse in Silicon Valley, Principal Industrial Designer for Design Continuum San Francisco building & leading their ID team and before that with TEAMS Design, the oldest and most established design consultancy in Germany.

The strength the studio brings to all projects is bridging complex technologies with user-centered design methods to create thoughtful and meaningful solutions.

Drawing from deep experience in a wide array of industries, STUDIO BACKS applies its unique point-of-views to create visionary products for tomorrow’s world. Equipped with a sense of style, European minimalism, we are able to quickly understand and distill problems to translate them into beautiful products for timeless integrity.

The work of STUDIO BACKS is always driven by “design thinking” methodologies with a human-centered point-of-view.

Innovation, questioning & reimagining existing paradigms are in the center of our design process.

Our solutions are always meaningful and based on harmony and newness to create products and experiences that are bold, iconic and beautiful.

Jochen's creative direction provides the vision for all projects and product experiences.


Industrial Design and Surface Modeling
Exploring a range of aesthetic options for a product through variations in form, materials and colors. 

Visual Design Language
Developing a language of shared values and vocabulary of form that can be communicated throughout a family of products. 

Research (User/Market/Trend)
Qualitative research of user observations, benchmarking, product feature-focused market and trend research to support our development process. 

Invention and Innovation
Capitalizing on new technologies, materials or applications to conceptualize future products. 

Engineering, Part Break-up, BOM, assembly methods
Translating ideas into concrete solutions, by defining part count and part break up, choice of materials, manufacturing processes and methods. 

Packaging, Messaging and Graphic Design
Development of unique sustainable packaging with clear messaging aligned with product, company values and customer expectation. 

Product Naming
Development of descriptive brand names for products to be referred to by their brand name. Positioning of niche products, offering "solutions" to specific problems by establishing brand essentials and platforms.


2014 Spark Award Juror Product & Health Design

2015 K-Design International Juror (S. Korea)

2017 Spark Award Juror GUI UX/UI/Wearables Design

2019 Spark Award Juror June 14 in San Francisco Student Design Spring Semester

2019 Spark Award Juror November 18 in San Francisco Product Design, Health & Medical Design, Graphics, Experience, Digital & Transport Design




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